10 Home Base Squats Exercises for Women for Build a Perfect Hips, Glutes and Thighs

10 Home Base Squats Exercises for Women for build a Perfect Hips, Glutes and Thighs : https://youtu.be/mDjx65gp2OM
The lower body muscles of your Hips, Glutes and Thighs support your legs movement and overall balance. When your hips muscles are weak simple tasks such as climbing up stairs or going on a short walk can become difficult and painful.

This is a big problem for many people, especially this problem is known to many women.

Taking some simple squats exercise regularly in anytime, anywhere, without any sports instrument, you can build your lower body muscles like Hips, Glutes and Thighs much firmer and in great shape. which will help you to improve your balance and support your joints during everyday motion.

Take just only 15 minutes a day for these Squat exercises and after a month, How beautiful it is when you achieve the desired result. You will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

You May start with a smaller number of repetitions (at least 6), gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 10 and even up to 20.

So Let's Start...

Number 1. Squats with the first ejection of the legs to the side. For each leg - 10 times.

Number 2. Folded Squats - 10 times.

Number 3. Squats with a show of hands - 10 times.

Number 4. Squats exercising abdominal muscles. For each leg - 10 times.

Number 5. Squats Jumps - 10 times.

Number 6. squat on one leg (for advanced!). For each leg - 10 times

Number 7. Squats with the shuffle feet back. For each leg - 10 times

Number 8. Squat on one leg. For each leg - 10 times

Number 9. Squats step aside. For each leg - 10 times

Number 10.Squats Narrow - 10 times.

Watch The Video Again: https://youtu.be/mDjx65gp2OM